I have an interesting and challenging topic I'd like to write about today. Lately there has been a lot of discussion about girl's modesty. Teenage girls in particular are making quite a big deal about dress codes as of late. As a young Christian woman this can be quite the confusing topic! Everyone has a different idea about what is appropriate for girls to wear. Should my skirt touch my knees? How high should my top be? Should I be allowed to show my stomach? These are just a few questions that many girls spend hours considering.
Of course if we take a moment to look back at the past several hundred years we'll find that with each era people's ideas of modesty change. I mean, at one point it was scandalous to show your ankles!! Obviously then, there's no right answer. Again, if we take a look at some pictures even just from the past few years, we'll realize that with each culture, the standards are completely different!! How can we decide what is appropriate, then?! I think the answer to that question is a lot simpler than many think.
This is a personal decision that needs to be made. Pray about it. Read your Bible. If you ask for God's guidance He will help you. He has given us free will, but of course He wants to see us make wise decisions. We must consider the consequences before wearing those short shorts or that crop top. What good could come from me wearing this? Hmm..... This outfit makes me happy, you may tell yourself. But isn't that a wee bit self-centered? Now think about what bad could come from it. I don't know about other girls, but the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that boys will see me in this outfit. Now why is that a bad thing? Well, surely with a bit of thought any intelligent young lady can figure this one out. In my opinion, wearing very revealing outfits is immature. It will obviously tempt men to think inappropriate thoughts. Too many people say that this is the boy's fault. I disagree, at least for the most part.
When Eve was created, Adam fell in love with her. Not just because he wanted somebody to talk to and she was a good listener. Surely he was physically attracted to her. Anybody with a brain would agree with me! So, from the time the very first humans were created, men have been attracted to women. It's just how things go. When people say that boys staring at a girl who's walking around half naked is just disgusting and vulgar, they really need to stop and think about it for a moment. Yes, boys should be taught to control themselves. But shouldn't ladies do the right thing and try to make it a little easier for the guys? Honestly, how hard is it to find an outfit you like that doesn't show, well, everything?!
But there are other reasons for covering up a little more! I think girls (especially those around my age) assume that wearing less clothing makes you appear more sexy. True, you may have more guys looking you up and down, but that doesn't make you more attractive! At least not to the right kind of men. What gentleman wants his girlfriend walking around undressed? Surely he wants you all to himself! If you wear clothing that keeps a bit of mystery, you should undoubtedly stumble upon a truly honorable man one day!
Girls think too little about the long term consequences of their outfit decisions. At my age, I am already praying for the man I will marry in the future. I'd like to find somebody who loves me for my faith, my personality, etc. Yes, I'd like them to be attracted to me. But that doesn't mean they have to see so much of my skin. Wouldn't it be nice to find a man that loves your eyes, your hair, or your smile? That's physical attraction, too! So what's the point of showing everything to everyone with the hopes of having lots of guys like you for your body?! That's pure foolishness! Wouldn't you rather dress in a way that attracts the one man you'll be spending the rest of your life with? That's my opinion, anyway.
If nothing else, I hope you'll at least give a little more thought to the subject after reading this! And remember that there is no right answer! My answer is that I must dress as if I am standing before God. Would I be ashamed to wear the outfit I'm about to leave my house in before the King of Kings? Just a thought....
Emma Grace
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